We want the under resourced and hardworking communities to know we see them, we are with them, and together we can

Honour Uplift Empower Educate Recognize Encourage Create Opportunity

The journey to change the world starts with one.

A decent life is everyone’s right. However, we are living amidst people who struggle for food, healthcare, clothing and education.
Ranju is extending a dedicated service to do away with such harsh realities through focused welfare projects. Join us in our initiative to bring positive change in someone’s life. 

What We Do

Identify and extend support for quality education and healthcare to our blue-collar worker communities

How you can help

You can assist us by donating to our ongoing initiatives. Remember, individually, we are just one drop, together we are an ocean.

Who We Are

A need of the hour, initiative-based, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation dedicated to the spirit of giving

What We Do

Identify and extend support for quality education and healthcare to our blue collar worker communities

How you can help

You can assist us by donating to our ongoing initiatives. Remember, individually, we are just one drop, together we are an ocean.

“Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more”

― H. Jackson Brown Jr.​